Amb els diners de les quotes del curs passat, i una subvenció que hem demanat a Caixa Colonya, des de l'APIMA hem pogut comprar un tendal nou pel pati d'infantil, un nebulitzador per desinfectar de forma ràpida, efectiva i segura els espais com ara l'aula de psicomotricitat, i peces noves pel taller d'escacs! A més a més, paguem una quarta part del conveni d'informàtica que té l'escola, els tallers com ara el de l'altra dia d'alfabetització digital. Animeu-vos a fer-vos socis de l'APIMA!
With funds from last year's fees and a grant from Caixa Colonya, APIMA was able to purchase a new awning for the children's playground, a nebulizer to quickly, effectively, and safely disinfect spaces such as the psychomotor classroom, and new chess pieces! Furthermore, we pay a quarter of the school's IT agreement, as well as workshops like the one on the other digital literacy day. APIMA members are encouraged to join!
ResponderEliminarAPIMA was able to buy a new awning for the kids' playground, new chess pieces, and a nebulizer to rapidly, safely, and efficiently disinfect places like the psychomotor classroom with money from last year's tuition and a grant from Caixa Colonya! Also, we pay for workshops like the one on the other digital literacy day as well as a quarter of the school's IT agreement. Joining is encouraged for APIMA members!
ResponderEliminar"Aportacions materials" refers to contributions or donations of physical items, such as money, food, clothing, or supplies, to a person or organization in need. These contributions can be crucial in providing necessary resources and support, particularly in times of crisis or hardship.
ResponderEliminarand safely disinfect spaces such as the psychomotor classroom, and new chess pieces.Furthermore, we pay a quarter of the school's IT agreement